Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Pancreas rule 4 : Anatomy

¨It is a retro-peritoneal organ present in the anterior para-renal space
Head=3 cm &Neck and body=2.5 &Tail=2 cm
¨Pancreatic opacity is similar to that of un- opacified bowel or vessel
¨Anterior para-renal space is continuous across the midline , permitting(if contains fluid) fluid to pass from left to right and vise versa
As pancreas is present mostly on the left side , accumulation of pancreatic fluid is almost on the left but it can occur also on the right side

¨Pancreas is an obliquely oriented structure , so we cannot see it in one section

¨Pancreas does not have a firm capsule which means no chance to produce sub-capsular fluid collection

¨One of the most important sign for cancer pancreas is contour abnormality  which means bulge of pancreatic contour at a specific area¨Normal pancreatic duct may be seen in 70% of cases provided you have high resolution CT¨  
¨Old age results in pancreatic atrophy and fatty degeneration¨ 

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