Saturday, December 3, 2011

Renal anatomy

Stylized drawing of normal adrenal cortex and medulla.  The cortex produces steroid hormones and the medulla produces epinephrine and nor epinephrine
}Unenhanced CT scan through the level of the adrenal glands shows normal appearing bilateral adrenal glands in the supra renal fossa.  The glands take on the appearance of  an upside down "V" or "Y" often 
Transverse image through a normal bladder (calipers "x" and "+" outline the bladder wall) using ultrasound shows normal anechoic structure (anechoic = no echoes = black).

3D reconstructed image of a normal bladder in the sagittal plane following CT IVP.  On this delayed image 10 minutes following IV contrast administration, excreted contrast fills an otherwise normal bladder (B).
Unenhanced CT scan through a normal bladder (B) shows a normal fluid density structure (less than 10 Hounsfield units on CT density scale).
3D reconstructed image from CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis known as CT IVP.  This exam is quickly replacing the conventional IV Urogram.  This 3D reconstruction is performed through the right kidney (K) and follows the normal ureter (arrows) all the way to the ureter's insertion into the bladder.

Normal excretory phase of an IVU (intravenous urogram).  This film was taken approximately 10 minutes following IV injection of iodinated contrast material.  The kidneys are excreting contrast into non dilated calyces (arrows), renal pelvis (p), ureters (*) and bladder (B).

Contrast enhanced CT scan through the kidneys in nephrogram phase (showing corticomedullary differentiation).  This is approximately 100 seconds following contrast administration and would show renal lesions well.

Contrast enhanced CT scan through the kidneys in pyelogram phase (showing excretion of contrast into the collecting system).  This is approximately 8 minutes following contrast administration and would show urothelial lesions well, such as transitional cell carcinoma, stones, blood clots.

Renal Ultrasound. Sagittal view of normal left kidney showing normal cortex (C) and echogenic (bright) renal sinus fat (F).

Color Doppler Renal Ultrasound. View of normal right renal artery (red) and vein (blue) with spectral analysis (bottom of image) showing normal low resistence wave form in the artery.

T2 weighted images through the kidneys (K) in the coronal plane.


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